Hooked On A Feline Cat Grooming (HOAF) is currently scheduling from a wait list. Priority is given to those on a Preferred Client Package*. To secure a reservation on the wait list, all new/returning clients are asked to complete and submit the Grooming Request Form. (A “returning client” is defined as any client who has previously had service with HOAF prior to the last 16 weeks.)
NOTICE: A Non-Refundable deposit of $50.00 is required to secure your place on the wait list. An invoice will be submitted to your email through “Square Invoice”. This deposit will be applied to a full groom.
If your cat is matted or in dire need of immediate attention, your veterinarian may be able to assist you. For your cat’s safety, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CUT ANY MATS WITH SCISSORS OR SHARP DE-MATTING TOOLS.
Waiting List Protocol:
In the event that a cancellation/no show is received, to effectively route HOAF’s schedule. Priority will be given in the following order:
The appointment will be given to the first client responding affirmatively.
The “Potential clients” on the wait list who do not respond in 3 calls will be eliminated from the list.
*See “Preferred Client Package“